Slices TODO

TODO: I often get wires crossed. Mutability and References are not dependent on each other. Specifically, the idea of an immutable reference throws me. Potentially write something up about that.


It's labeled as The Slice Type

Baisc example:

fn main() {

  let alfa = String::from("the quick fox");

  let bravo = &alfa[4..9];

  println!("alfa {}", alfa);
  println!("bravo {}", bravo);


If you're starting at zero, you don't need to put the zero. These are equivalent.

fn main() {

  let alfa = String::from("the quick fox");

  let bravo   = &alfa[0..3];

  let charlie = &alfa[..3];

  println!("bravo {}", bravo);
  println!("charlie {}", charlie);


The same applies for the end.

fn main() {

  let alfa = String::from("the quick fox");

  let bravo   = &alfa[9..13];

  let charlie = &alfa[9..];

  println!("bravo {}", bravo);
  println!("charlie {}", charlie);


There's also a note about array slices here:

It looks like this:

fn main() {

  let alfa = [3, 5, 7, 9];

  let bravo = &alfa[1..3];

  assert_eq!(bravo, &[5, 7]);


but maybe wait until vecs.

Also, we haven't seen assertions yet, and I don't totally get the refernce to the stand alone array. or, more to the point, why it's a reference.

This is from the "Other Slices" secition. Need to revisit once there's a better understanding of the parts.

Also, we haven't seen assertions yet, and I don't totally get the refernce to the stand alone array. or, more to the point, why it's a reference.

This is from the "Other Slices" secition. Need to revisit once there's a better understanding of the parts.

Look at:

For the stuff about literals too and how you can pass them into functions wiht

fn main() {
fn widget(value: &str) -> &str {}

That lets you pass in both &String and &str values.

This is an example where you can pass literal references, and String references, and String slices (which are references by definition)

fn main() {

  let alfa = String::from("the quick fox");
  let bravo = "the lazy dog";




fn widget(value: &str) {

  println!("Value is {}", value);


Question: does this mean that you should pretty much always use &str instead of &String for function parameters?