Program: Conditional Functions

We've covered a lot of gound: variables, if/else, comparison operators, functions, and the i32 data type. Each of the examples we used was scoped down as much as possible to focuse on just the concept at hand. Now, let's write a larger program with everything we've learned that does a little more.

Here's what we'll end up with:

  • A check_numbers function that takes two i32 values.
  • An if/else expression that determines if the first value is less than the seond
  • println!() outputs that use the values
  • A set of i32 variables in our main function
  • Calls to the check_numbers function with the sets of variables.

Here's the source which outputs:

4 is less than 9
7 is not less than 3


fn main() {
  let alfa = 4;
  let bravo = 9;
  check_numbers(alfa, bravo);

  let charlie = 7;
  let delta = 3;
  check_numbers(charlie, delta);

fn check_numbers(value1: i32, value2: i32) {
  if value1 < value2 {
    println!("{value1} is less than {value2}");
  } else {
    println!("{value1} is not less than {value2}");