Hello, World - The Parts

Let's take a look at the individual parts that make up our "Hello, World" program.

fn main() {
  println!("Hello, World");
  • fn is short for function which is what we're defining.

  • main is the name we're assigning to the function. In Rust, the main function is used to kick things off.

    Every rust program must have a main function. It's the entry point that kicks things off.

  • The () at the end of main() is where we define arguments that can be passed to the function. They're empty here which means main() doesn't accept any.

  • The opening { and } curly bracket set the starting and ending points for the function's code block.

  • println!("Hello, World"); is what prints out the text.

We'll dig into more details about each of those elements throughout the site.