Cloning And Referencing

Trying to access a value after we moved it to a new variable resulted in an error message that contined this line:

help: consider cloning the value if the performance cost is acceptable

Cloning is done using the .clone() method. Doing so changes this:

let bravo = alfa;

into this:

let bravo = alfa.clone();

When we clone, it makes a new copy of the String that's bound to alfa and then binds that new copy to bravo. Since the value wasn't moved out of alfa we can still use it like this sample which outputs:

alfa is widget
bravo is widget
alfa is widget


fn main() {
  let alfa = String::from("widget");
  println!("alfa contains {alfa}");

  let bravo = alfa.clone();
  println!("bravo contains {bravo}");

  println!("alfa contains {alfa}");