
There are a few other things to cover before we get started with the code.

The Content

  • These are my actual, in-progress notes on learning Rust. As such, the site is very much a work in progress. It only goes far as I've made it in my studies.

  • The content is designed for folks who have at least some programming experience. If you know what variables, functions, loops, and conditionals are, you'll be fine.

The Examples

  • Examples are kept intentionally sort. That often means doing things that would be silly in a useful program. For example, defining a variable that's used only once on the following line. The goal is to show how to use something not when to use it.

  • Examples use the NATO phonetic alphabet (alfa, bravo, charlie, etc...). The words have no meaning beyond being labels or acting as content.

Typing It In

  • The approach of typing in examples may feel weird and frustrating at first if you've never done it. Give it 5-10 pages to see if you start to find it useful.

  • Of course, you can also read the site like a book without typing anything in if you learn better that way.

Now, let's get started with a better look at Hello, World.