Return Expressions

The widget function in the last example looked like this:

fn widget() -> i32 {
  3 + 6

I bring that up to point out that there isn't a ; after the 3 + 6. This is different from all the other lines we've seen in functions so far.

There are three reasons for this:

  1. Rust functions return the last expression at the end of their code block
  2. The ; ends expressions.
  3. Rust has a default return type that we'll discuss on the next page.

What all that means is if we did this:

3 + 6;

instead of:

3 + 6

we'd be end the expression that did the addition. That expression is what provides the i32 value that the function is setup to return based off its definition. So, we'd end up with an error.

Run the code again with the ; in place to see what the error looks like and we'll talk about it on the next page.


fn main() {
  let alfa = widget();
  println!("alfa is {}", alfa);

fn widget() -> i32 {
  3 + 6;