Function Return Values
We've set up functions to receive argumets by putting a name and type inside the parenthesis after the function name:
fn alfa(value: i32) {
println!("alfa got {}", value);
So far, all the functions have printed
something out when called. Now we'll
get them to return data to whatever
called them. Setting that up is done by adding
after the parenthesis followed by
the type of data that will be returned.
The data that gets returned is generated
by the last expression in the function's
code block. For example, this double_number
function takes an i32
value and multiplies
it by 2
as it's sending it back.
fn main(){
let alfa = double_number(5);
println!("alfa is {}", alfa);
fn double_number(value: i32) -> i32 {
value * 2